Last Updated: Mar 07, 2025     Views: 136

The Faculty - Dissertation Chair Training presents the information below in greater detail. 


As the Dissertation Chair, you provide guidance, feedback, and motivation throughout the dissertation process. You will act as the project manager over the process and are ultimately responsible for monitoring and managing the student, the Committee, and the timely completion of the dissertation.  You will ensure that the completed dissertation is a defensible research study aligned with generally accepted research practices, university requirements, and IRB policies. The Chair also ensures that the dissertation is grammatically correct and logically structured. Full details on the role and step-by-step guidance are provided for Dissertation Chairs in the Faculty - Dissertation Chair Training.

Dissertation Courses

A dissertation course, sometimes referred to as a doctoral research course, is designed to document the student’s progress toward completing their dissertation during a specific term. The Chair, the Committee Member, and the doctoral student are enrolled in the dissertation course. The Methodological Reader is assigned to the Committee and interacts with the student through the Editorial Manager (EM) platform.

Using Canvas

Document Review

Editorial Manager (EM)

The Editorial Manager (EM), formerly DSEM, is an online document management system for submitting electronic files and recording approvals for doctoral research documents. You will need to create an account before you can approve documents. To get started, navigate to EM, follow the instructions for first-time users, and register as an editor. Below are links to a video and a job aid for creating your account.

Letter of Intent Template (LOI)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application

Post-Enrollment Tasks

Once the final manuscript is approved, the student's doctoral Program Advisor (DPA) will guide them through the final steps to graduation.

Publishing & Binding of Dissertation – students will be contacted by DPA with information on publishing their dissertation and obtaining copyright.

Petition to Graduate form (refer students to their DPA)

Student Resources

Research Study Resources for Students