Last Updated: Oct 25, 2024     Views: 9068

The Incomplete Process is as follows...

  1. The student contacts the instructor to request an Incomplete, or the instructor proactively initiates a dialogue to coach and support the student in developing a plan for successfully completing a course.
  2. The instructor reviews the request and the assignments that are missing and/or still need to be completed in future weeks of the course.
  3. The instructor communicates with the student about the student's situation and needs (via written communication or phone/Zoom call). 
  4. The instructor and the student agree on (1) the assignment(s) to be completed and (2) a due date(s) within 30 days from the last day of the course.
  5. The instructor will email the student a written communication detailing the mutually agreed-upon terms of the Incomplete, including a detailed list of the required assignments and the due dates. 
  6. In the course grade book, the instructor will leave the grades for outstanding/missing assignments blank, select the I grade in the final grade dropdown column, and add a comment that lists the date the I grade was requested and approved, the assignments that must be completed, and the due dates. (The instructor can also include a copy of their written communication to the student).
  7. At the end of the Incomplete time frame (or earlier if the student completes the work before the deadline), the instructor will grade all missing assignments, change the final grade in the classroom, and complete a Grade Change Form so the grade can be updated in the student’s portal.
  8. If the student needs more time beyond 30 days after the last day of the course, the instructor can agree to work with the student to extend the Incomplete time frame. If an extension is approved, the instructor should add an updated comment in the grade book, including a statement of the revised agreement specifying the assignments to be completed and the revised due dates. Please note: If your student needs additional time beyond the 30 days, you can work with the student to extend the Incomplete time frame.  If an extension is approved, include a comment in the grade book stating this and list the revised due dates; also, notify Student Records that you are providing extra time at
  9. The instructor will receive an auto-generated email from the Registrar's Office on day 30 and day 37 after the last day of the course, reminding them when the student's grades are due. 
  10. If students do not submit their work within the agreed-upon timeframe, enter the final grade they have earned and submit a grade change request form.

General Notes on the Incomplete Process as of 2022

  • Incomplete request forms are not needed. The instructor and student work together to arrange the Incomplete. Either one can initiate the Incomplete process.
  • The Incomplete is at the discretion of the instructor. You are the decision maker. 
  • The process includes the following changes to the prior Incomplete policy:
    • The instructor can grant an Incomplete request regardless of the amount of work the student has completed in the class.  
    • ​​The instructor does not have to wait for confirmation from the registrar before working with a student on an Incomplete.
    • If a student contacts you after final grades are posted to request an Incomplete, you can still choose to work with them.  Follow steps 1-5 above, change the final grade in the classroom to an I, and then submit a Grade Change Form to have the initial posted grade changed to an I in the University's internal systems. ​​
  • Regardless of whether the course has ended or is still active after the Incomplete is approved, students must still meet attendance requirements or risk being dropped from the University. Please refer students to the University catalog, the course policies section in the Canvas classroom, or their student advisor for questions related to the Attendance Policy. Faculty are not responsible for monitoring or reporting student attendance.
  • Please contact Faculty Affairs at for questions about this process and to ask student-specific questions.  


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