To access your UAGC faculty email:
- Access the Microsoft Office 365 Login Page.
- Type in your faculty email address (for associate faculty, this email is typically and your password to log in.
Your email password is the same as your Canvas password. You can also change your password on the login page. This will change your password for both email and Canvas access.
For assistance, please call the service desk at 800-285-9796.
To access your University of Arizona (UA) email:
- Faculty can access both their UAGC faculty email and University of Arizona email by going to
- There is a 2-minute video linked below that shows how faculty can access Outlook through their University of Arizona O365 account.
- There are also email forwarding instructions linked below on how to forward the email to your email.
- If a faculty member forgets their Net ID or UA email address, they can go to UA NetID Management or call Arizona IT at 520-626-8324 for help.
Link(s) to Document(s):
Link(s) to Video(s):