As of October 29, 2024, the Attendance Policy in the Catalog has been clarified to provide transparency that not all classroom activity will count towards attendance.
Attendance is defined as engaging in an academic activity during class. At the University of Arizona Global Campus, this means posting relevant academic content in fulfillment of an assignment in the online classroom. Relevant academic content is complete, comprehensible, and related to a graded discussion forum, written assignment or journal entry, and quiz or exam. Students gain attendance by posting relevant academic content in fulfillment of an assignment in the online classroom. Please note three areas that may impact whether student work qualifies for attendance and not all course activities count for attendance. Review the full Academic Policies in the UAGC Catalog for details.
To support your understanding of what activities will count for attendance, please review the Attendance Guidance resource.
To support your conversations with students, please use the Student Guidance Decision Tree resource.