Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025     Views: 75

A link to an End of Course Survey (EOCS) is emailed to each student at the end of each course. Students can only access the End of Course Survey through the link sent to their email address. Each link for the End of Course Survey is only available for a limited time before the close of the course to eliminate survey bias based on final grading. If a student tries to take the survey from a previous course, the survey will not be accessible.  The results of the End of Course Survey are sent to instructors 14 days after the end of the course. 

  • For students who have expressed difficulty completing the End of Course Survey, Instructors can choose one of the following options:
    • If students need the End of Course Survey (re)sent to their email, you should contact to arrange to have the email resent.
    • You can go into the gradebook and manually give points to students who are impacted.
    • Advise students that they can still get credit for the survey in Canvas even if they cannot take it. To do this, students can:
      • Click on the End of Course Survey in their Canvas Course.
      • Scroll to the bottom and click on Preview.
      • Click on the bullet beside the question, "I either took the End of Course Survey or decided not to take it."
      • Click Submit

Note: There is no way to reset the End of Course Survey. It can only be resent to the student by UAGC IT.

Please refer students with additional questions to their advisors.

Link(s) to Document(s):

  • n/a

Link(s) to Video(s):

  • n/a