Last Updated: Feb 12, 2024     Views: 119

The mission of Faculty Affairs is to support faculty in understanding the whole, contemporary student beyond the classroom and leveraging that understanding toward effective and equitable content delivery and instructional practice. In support of this mission, Faculty Affairs is responsible for advancing the UAGC faculty body’s capacity to contribute to the planning and execution of strategic institutional initiatives by supporting faculty excellence both in and out of the classroom. A key to this advancement is One Faculty, an institution-wide initiative to create a unified faculty body wherein full-time and associate (adjunct) faculty are equally knowledgeable about, engaged in, and contribute to institutional work. As a key mechanism of its implementation, Faculty Affairs supports One Faculty by offering faculty development and engagement opportunities focused on aligning instructional best practices, course development, and student support with institutional goals.

Faculty Affairs works to provide engagement and development opportunities that allow faculty to feel that they belong at UAGC, have a place to reflect and improve their teaching practice and contribute to student success. Faculty Affairs measures the effectiveness of its offerings with the goal of improving the faculty’s impact on our students. 

Annual Reports: