Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025     Views: 584

What is Waypoint?

UAGC uses a tool called Waypoint for grading written assignments and projects. Waypoint is integrated with Canvas and should be used to grade all written assignments. Discussion forum posts and other assignments may be graded using Speedgrader, the native Canvas grading tool. 

Where do I access Waypoint?

To access Waypoint, click the shortcut to Waypoint on the left-hand navigation menu in the Canvas classroom. You can also access Waypoint on the individual assignment modules in the course.

How do I grade assignments with Waypoint?

Please review the Waypoint Step-By-Step Grading Walk-Through (linked below) for a step-by-step guide to grading in Waypoint. There are job aids linked below that you may find helpful as well.

Link(s) to Document(s):

Link(s) to Video(s):