Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024     Views: 2267

What is Course Feedback?

The course feedback process has two functions: 1) to help identify how UAGC faculty are applying learning from the yearlong development curriculum to their teaching, and 2) to prompt faculty reflection on their teaching practices and to connect outcomes of that reflection to relevant professional development opportunities.

Course Feedback is designed to help you continually develop your instructional practice and is delivered via your faculty portal. Twice a year, your Faculty Support Consultant will offer summary observations of a sampling of courses you have taught in the past year through Course Feedback. This process is separate from your official Instructor Quality Review (IQR) evaluation, which your college supervisor will continue to conduct and communicate annually. Course Feedback is:

  • A starting point for open conversation about evolving instructional practices, addressing challenges;
  • A chance to identify strengths and capitalize on development opportunities;
  • A supportive complement to your annual IQR.

How Will Course Feedback Look in My FacultyProfile?

Course Feedback communicates to faculty the following information:

  • What course was reviewed
  • Formative feedback to support the evolution of the instructor's teaching practices
  • Recommended professional development opportunity
  • Resources to support the professional development opportunity

When Will I Receive Course Feedback?

You will receive notification from your Faculty Affairs Consultant when your course feedback is ready for review and acknowledgment.

Course Feedback reflects the Faculty Affairs mission to provide a collaborative Faculty Support Community to help you access the resources that you need to continually develop your instructional practice.

Link(s) to Document(s):