Last Updated: Jun 03, 2024     Views: 1889

An automatic process is triggered in Canvas that alerts you when a student has submitted a late assignment, even after a zero had previously been put into the gradebook. This alert replaces the zero in the gradebook with a "paper" icon for the assignment.

The original grade has not been taken out of the gradebook details for the assignment. The zero still shows in the grade details for the student and is still recorded by the system; however, the paper icon will continue to appear in the gradebook. 

In this situation, you can either:

  1. Let the zero remain for this assignment and take no action, or
  2. Accept the late assignment and grade accordingly.  Once the assignment is re-graded, the paper icon will be replaced by the new grade in the gradebook.

NOTE: You are not able to replace the paper icon in the gradebook with a zero.

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