Last Updated: Jan 24, 2024     Views: 739

  • The Inbox is an internal messaging system within Canvas. Please note this is a standalone system and unless you have turned on specific notifications, this inbox does not automatically connect with your faculty email account.
  • When you have received a message in your inbox, you will see a red dot on the Inbox tab on the navigation bar. The inbox functions much like an email or messaging system. You can sort your messages by course or type of message (inbox, sent, etc.) or compose a new message.
  • When composing a message, you can select which course you would like to send a message to, select which specific recipients you would like to send to, type in a subject line, compose your message, and attach files or record audio or video. Typically, the inbox system is not connected to your email. You can choose, however, to be notified via email or text when you receive a message in your inbox. You can even reply directly to this notification!
  • To access notifications, click on Account and then Notifications. The notifications listed under the Conversations section pertain to messages in your inbox. While in Canvas, hover over the various notifications to see more details about each one.

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