Last Updated: Jan 09, 2024     Views: 256

For Courses with Standardized Guidance

  • There are courses where the guidance content is pre-written and part of the curriculum. This information is vital to a student’s progression through their assigned weekly tasks. Pre-populated standard Guidance is not editable by faculty. Standardized Guidance will be located within the Weekly Modules in the Canvas classroom.

  • To find standardized guidance in your course, click on the Module option from the menu on the left side. You will see links for each of the weeks and the different components. You can click on the Guidance link for each week to view the content. 

For Courses Without Standardized Guidance 

  • Faculty are expected to post guidance for students in the announcement area to provide additional instruction and resources on weekly content.  

Link(s) to Document(s):

Link(s) to Video(s):